Monday, September 9, 2013

Local vanity phone numbers

Local vanity phone numbers allow you to specifically choose and purchase a set of numbers that you want. When used correctly, a vanity number can be an important tool used for marketing; just think about how much more memorable it is to dial 333-4444 than simply using a collection of random numbers. This memorable impression that you leave on a customer can help drive valuable sales to your business and help brand your company!

local vanity phone numbers
Vanity Phone Number
Perhaps the most striking benefit of local vanity phone numbers is that it gives your business instant recognition. As in the example above, when a customer makes the association between a business and a vanity number, they’re more likely to reference and use the business in the future.

It has been shown that people are much more predisposed to an easy phone number than a set of random digits. To ensure that your business is remembered, you should look into buying a phone number that is memorable enough for your target consumer base.

Having a local vanity phone number also gives you the ability to significantly increase the rate at which other companies refer you because they may find your number to be humorous, memorable, or a combination of the two.
vanity phone number 
It’s no secret how valuable referrals are in the business world. Buying a phone number like this means that you potentially increase the amount of business contacts you make to help your business to flourish and thrive.

You can use your newfound contacts to expand and branch out into other markets and services. Think about how banks or manufacturing companies utilize local vanity numbers! Wouldn’t you want that benefit shared with your company as well?

You should use a number that uses an easily recognizable pattern, or a sequence to get the biggest benefit. For example, it would be helpful to get a series of numbers that had a pattern or sequence to them, such as: 4567 or even 1111. By referring to a string of numbers that are already ingrained in most people, or using an easy set of numbers to repeat, you can get the most out of your local vanity phone number.

Buying a phone number that leaves an impression on a consumer can be a valuable asset to your business. They’ll be able to not only remember your number with more ease, but also be able to remember your services to use or recommend to their friends or family. A local vanity number can bring in new customers and boost your company’s revenue.

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